About Buddhist Terms In Home Pages

*1. Compassion:

Compassion and actions for others. As the first step, compassion requires us to sympathize someone or imagine someone’s situations. It is one of our essential feelings, but people can easily add their unilateral thoughts into the compassion. They tend to think selfishly that they give money because someone is pitiful or poor, which leads to look down on him/her. As a result, in some situations, they may hurt him/her by giving compassion. Or, limited compassion that people think only about own families or countries may make all people unhappy.


Compared to this, the compassion preached by Buddha is not limited, and it is the same as the sun which can light every place and everything including humans on the earth. People with the compassion can also gently heal suffering people's minds with understanding of their sufferings and similar standpoints.


The wisdom and the compassion correlate each other. It means that the wisdom nurtures the compassion, and the compassion to the others is expressed as the wisdom to help others.  As a parent for all people, Buddha watches people’s growth along with people with hope that they successfully grow up with the compassion and the wisdom as if parents bring up their children. He is always beside them even if they cannot see the figure.


Although people usually show limited compassion to the others, we realize that there is the non-limited compassion which is preached by Buddha and that we can nurture the same minds in order to cure suffering people as if a child grow older.


*2. Wisdom:

Since people were born, they have gradually acquired knowledge and intelligence through their experiences in such circumstances, which they have grown up, as families, education, people they met, and culture and civilization.


These are also their quality and charm as they are, but these tend to be expedite for them or their surroundings. The wisdom preached by Buddha is not such a limited one, but the one which enables individuals to live happily.


In addition, the wisdom enables people to live together with all things on the earth including other creatures, nature, and invisible things. It is also unchangeable beyond a period.


The Buddha's wisdom is that people can acquire and improve it through daily lives, and convey it to their surroundings. By learning the wisdom, people can overcome diverse hardships including anxiety, trepidation, grudges, and greed. As a result, they can live in peace and create peaceful societies.


Buddha is the person, who understood the truth in the world and expressed the compassion and the wisdom based on the truth.


*3. Mutual help:

Peaceful and mentally affluent relationships among financially and mentally independent people can mutually compensate for something which each does not have or needs, or which enables them to enhance mental strength.  However, this is the next step. The first step is that people become to earn minimum wages and live without mental dependence on others.


People cannot live alone. However, good relationships with surroundings enable people to recognize coexistence, show their potential, and appreciate them. Therefore, they should realize the importance of coexistence, which leads them to happy lives and mentally affluent societies.


*4. Traditional wisdom:

Fruits of the wisdom which has been built up for over centuries. We attribute them to Buddhism principles and their practices which have improved in human history. We also recommend to learn every wisdom based on each religion and study.


*5. Buddhism spirit:

Sprit based on Buddha’s preachment. It is hard for everyone to read and fully comprehend huge number of Buddhism scripts. The basis and essence of Buddhism spirit is the compassion and the wisdom.

Learning and acquiring Buddhism spirit, practicing the spirit, and living with it in daily life will be fundamental that people themselves, others, and societies become happy.

To brush the spirit up in everyone's mind, it is important for he/she to engage in social activities by believing probabilities of Buddhism, and to polish him/herself by following Buddhism principles or searching him/herself for solutions when he/she face difficulties.